ĐỀ THI LÝ THUYẾT-Ngành Tiếng Anh-Đề 2

                                                 ĐỀ THI TỐT NGHIỆP

                                                              MÔN: Lý thuyết tổng hợp


                       Đề số 2                           Thời gian làm bài : 75 phút


A/ Grammar (3 marks) 

Section 1 : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others :

  1. a. cup                b. runner                 c. stadium               d. fun
  2. a. team              b. beat                    c. defeat                  d. great
  3. a. honour           b. hero                    c. held                     d. happy
  4. a. qualify            b. final                     c. trophy                 d. title
  5. a. champion       b. character            c. match                  d. cheerful

Section 2 : Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others :

  1. a. championship             b.tournament           c. committee           d. continent
  2. a. professional                b. international        c. ambassador         d. retirement
  3. a. trophy                          b. promote              c. attract                  d. compete
  4. a. final                              b.title                      c. stadium               d. eliminate
  5. a. competitor                   b. participant           c. volunteer             d. announcer

Section 3 : You must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

  1. You shall have some ice – cream when you …………… your dinner.
  1. finished              B. finish                  C. will finish           D. will be finished

12. She often wishes that she …………… a bicycle.

  1. will ride               B. can ride             C. would ride         D. could ride

13. We wondered who was going to pay for the ……………window.

  1. broken                B. break                 C. breaking           D. broke

14. The crowds at a football match are often ……………

  1. excite                  B. exciting             C. excited              D. being excited

15. All the girls but one …………… present yesterday.

  1. was                     B. were                  C. is                      D. are

16. I wouldn’t waste time …………… that book if I were you.

  1. to read                B. reading              C. read                  D. to be read

17. Everyone hopes to win the first prize, …………… is a car.

  1. this                      B. it                        C. which                D. that

18. I don’t like the place …………… he lives.

  1. that                     B. which                 C. where                 D. there

19. The time …………… he’ll start is not known.

  1. where                 B. when                  C. which                 D. how

20. They could reach the house …………… the road was flooded.

  1. although              B. whether             C. as if                    D. even

21. That man is …………… deaf to hear what we say.

  1. so                        B. enough              C. too                      D. not

22. Those are …………… shoes. They are too small.

  1. woman’s             B. women                C. women’s             D. womens’

23. I had ……………. of meeting the President at the airport.

  1. pleasure             B. a pleasure           C. the pleasure                   D. pleasures

24. ……………. my mind, they have made a serious mistake.

  1. In                         B. To                      C. From                             D. At

25. At some shops you can get a reduction of 10 ……………. if you pay cash.

  1. per cent               B. per-cent              C. per cents             D. per-cents

B/ Reading comprehension (7 marks) 

Section 4 : Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Choose the correct word in each space.

The internet (26) ………………… in the 1960s. The USA Department of Defense started it because they wanted a computer network to help the American military. In the 1970s, scientists (27) ………………… on it. Then in the 1980s, telephone companies (28) …………………. it possible to communicate on the computer network in (29) …………………. more countries. An international computer language was born, and the Net went worldwide. You can (30) ………………… the Internet for many things. You can shop (31) ………………….. a car or a house; you can plan a vacation; you (32) …………………….. watch a video; you can read an Australian newspaper or a Japanese magazine; you can (33) …………………. books and CDs from North and South America; you can play chess (34) ………………….. a partner in Moscow; or you can just chat with people from all (35) ……………………. the world.

  1. A. is starting                    B. has started                C. started               D. was starting
  2. A. have worked               B. worked                      C. was working       D. is working
  3. A. make                           B. are making                C. have made        D. made
  4. A. many                           B. most                          C. better                 D. little
  5. A. using                           B. use                            C. been used          D. has used
  6. A. of                                 B. about                         C. for                      D. by
  7. A. may                             B. might                         C. could                  D. can
  8. A. buy                              B. have bought              C.  bought               D. been bought
  9. A. within                           B. with                           C. by                       D. besides
  10. A. in                                 B. around                       C. over                    D. on

Section 5 : Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each of the questions below it :

Airplane travel has improved a great deal since the first efforts of the Wright Brothers. Airplanes now travel thousands of miles at altitudes of more than 7 miles, carrying over three hundred passengers. Those passengers rest in comfortable seats instead of on their stomachs like Orville did. Jet engines have replaced propellers and speeds are greater than 600 miles per hour. Not even the Wright brothers could have imagined what air travel would be like today. Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built during the war, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use. Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think my house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.

  1. The writer is ……………….
  1. driving me to the airport.               C. going to be mad
  2. passing some airplanes                D. knocked down by a passing plane.

37. The airport has ………………..

  1. been used since the war.              C. been used since last year
  2. never been used.                          D. been built since last year.

38. If the writer moves away, he will ………………….

  1. like the noise of passing planes           C. become mad.
  2. be given a lot of money.                       D. come to stay here.

39. Which of the following statements is not true ?

  1. The people living near the airport can hear passing planes night and day.
  2. A few people left their homes because of the great noise.
  3. The writer has refused to leave his house.
  4. The writer is said to be mad.

40. The word “driving” in the sentence of passage means ………………

  1. running                 B.giving                    C. causing                     D. carrying

Section 6 : Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Choose the correct word in each space.

Almost a hundred thousand people (41) ………… and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the inhabitants of Tokyo (42) ………… their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth (43) ………… to shake. As a result, small fires (44) ………… everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines were prevented (45) ………… to help because many of the roads (46) ………… open. It was impossible to use fire fighting equipment as most of the water pipes (47) ………… Consequently, over ninety per cent of the damage (48) …………by fire rather than by the collapse of buildings. Most of those (49) ………… were not killed in the earthquake itself but in the fires which followed. If the earthquake had occurred at night while people (50) …………, far fewer would have died.

  1. A. have been killed                 B. were killed                 C. had been killed          D. would be killed
  2. A. cooked                               B. were cooking             C. would cook                D. had cooked
  3. A. began                                 B. was beginning           C. used to begin             D. begin
  4. A. were breaking out              B. would break out         C. have broken out         D. broke out
  5. A. from going                          B. to go                          C. for going                     D. he went
  6. A. had cracked                        B. cracking                    C. crack                           D. were cracking
  7. A.would burst                          B. had burst                   C. have burst                   D. used to burst
  8. A. caused                                B. was causing               C. causing                       D. was caused
  9. A. who died                              B. died                           C. they died                     D. dying
  10. A. would sleep                         B. have slept                  C. had slept                     D. were sleeping

Section 7 : Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each of the questions below it :

People have been hunting whales for at least a thousand years, and there were no real problems until 20th century. What happened was that fishing technology became much more efficient and the ships were much faster, so more and more whales were caught. In the 1960s the main whaling countries were killing more than sixty thousand whales a year, and everyone began to realize that something had to be done.

It was environmental groups like Greenpeace that really made things change. They set out to make people aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct. But even now we don’t know if all this interest has become too late. Let’s take the great blue whale for example, which at thirty to forty meters long is the biggest animal there has ever been – now there are perhaps about two thousand or so left. In fact they have been protected for quite a long time, but there is no sign that the population is growing.

  1. How long have people been hunting whales?
  1. since the 1960s.
  2. for over 1,000 years
  3. for nearly 200 years
  4. since the 20th century

52. The 20th century has brought many dangers to whales due to ________.
A. faster ships                                               B. longer nets
C. both A and D                                            D. improved methods of technology
53. Which of the following statements is NOT true about blue whale?

  1.  Their population is growing fast.
  2. They have been protected for quite a long time.
  3. They are the biggest animal on the earth.
  4. They can grow up to forty meters long.

54. Appropriately how many blue whales are there on the earth now?

  1. 30,000
  2. 2,000
  3. 40,000
  4. 60,000


  1. What makes people aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct?
  1. International agreement.
  2. Main whaling countries
  3. Greenpeace
  4. Environmental groups

Section 8 : Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each of

the questions below it :

There are books with fairy tales in many countries. Often the same stories are known and repeated in

many different languages. Some of the things that happen in these stories are remarkable, although not as remarkable as things that are truly happening in medicine and science today. Most fairy tales begin with “ Once upon a time “ and end with “ They lived happily ever after”, so we will begin in the same way. Once upon a time there was a girl called Ciderella who did all the work in the kitchen while her lazy sisters did nothing. One night her sisters went to a ball at the palace. Cinderella was left at home, very sad. After a time her fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella that she could go to the ball – but to return home by midnight. So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress in a wonderful coach. She danced with the prince but at midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The prince wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the right size for Cinderella. She and the prince were married and live happily ever after.

  1. Books with fairy tales are found in …………
  1. our country only
  2. few countries
  3. all countries except ours
  4. many countries

57. According to the passage, things truly happening in medicine and science today are ………… things that happen in some fairy tales.

  1. as remarkable as
  2. more remarkable than
  3. not as remarkable as
  4. less remarkable than

58. Who worked the hardest at home ?

  1. Cinderella’s sisters
  2. Cinderella’s mother
  3. Cinderella herself
  4. Cinderella’s godmother

59. Cinderella was very sad because ………..

  1. he did all the work in the kitchen
  2. her lazy sisters did nothing
  3. her sisters were invited to a ball
  4. her sisters went to a ball and left her at home.

60. At the end of the story …………

  1. Cinderella’s fairy godmother came to comfort her.
  2. the prince invited Cinderella to the ball
  3. one of Cinderella’s sisters was married to the prince
  4. Cinderella could go to the ball and it so happened that she and the prince were married.



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