Score Fluency Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation
5 Speaks fluently with only minor pauses or hesitation for content. Uses appropriate linkers with fully developed ideas. Uses a full range of accurate vocabularies and forms for all topics. Collocations are natural and precisely used. Uses a wide range of structures. (>Foundation 2) Sentences are mostly error free with minor errors which do not affect meaning. Sounds characteristically native. Clear and easy to understand. Appropriate intonation is used. All ending sounds are clear. L1 accent is barely noticeable.
4.5 Speaks fluently with little repetition or self-correction for content. Idea is fully developed and coherent with details. A range of linkers are correctly used. All lexes used convey exact meaning appropriate to topic. Few if any mistakes occur as slips with immediate correction. Variability in structures is present. Uses mostly error free sentences with minor errors occurring irregularly, not throughout speech. Able to keep clarity in sounds and annunciate ending sounds and features. L1 is not noticeable. Minor errors do not affect intelligibility.
4 Can maintain flow of speech but has some repetition, self-correction and slight hesitations due to L1 interference. Mostly correct linkers are used with little flexibility. Uses a good range of vocabulary to discuss familiar topics. Some collocations are inappropriate. Errors in accuracy for unfamiliar topics.  Awareness of common collocations. Mostly error free simple sentences (all levels), with frequent attempts at complex ones, but with errors (> Foundation 2). Can be generally understood. Uses a range of pronunciation features such as stress and intonation, but not always accurately. Some L1 interference, especially with word endings.
3.5 Some hesitation and pauses are present due to L1 interference.  Speech is a bit slow. A variety of linkers are used with few errors. A good vocabulary range is used with few errors in word forms and choice for unfamiliar topics. Uses less flexibility in range of complex and simple structures. Some systematic errors occur for complex sentences, but meaning is not obscured.

(< Foundation 2: some systematic errors occur for simple sentences.)

Some stress and intonation is present, but not always. Some word endings are unclear or not present. Some words have incorrect syllable stress.
3 Speech flow is slow but continuous. Repetition and correction are frequent. Few linkers are used in speech. Coherence is lost at times. Errors in word form and choice are frequent with unfamiliar topics, but mostly correct for familiar topics. Still uses enough vocabularies to form complete sentences. Limited flexibility in range with some systematic errors in simple sentences (>Foundation 2). Errors rarely cause comprehension problems.  (<Foundation 2: some errors cause confusion of meaning.) Most words are pronounced correctly but ending sounds are mostly missing. Intelligibility is not difficult, but is clarity is reduced.
2.5 Speech is not continuous with more frequent hesitations and repetition. Linking if present, but errors are more frequent. Limited flexibility in vocabulary choice for both familiar and unfamiliar topics. Inappropriate forms and collocations are frequent. Some attempts at complex structures, but these mainly have errors (>Foundation 2). Simple sentences are frequently correct, and errors do not confuse the meaning. Limited stress or intonation used. Mostly incorrect ending sounds. Some difficulty to understand for the listening due to mispronunciation.
2 Cannot respond without pauses and may speak slowly. Coherence is difficult due to repetition and self-correction. Little or no linking is used. Uses more common words to express meaning for familiar topics. Errors are frequent with form and word choice. Repeats familiar words throughout with no flexibility. Some simple sentences are correct (>Foundation 2), but misunderstandings are frequent. No attempts at complex structures. (>Foundation 2: some main meaning is conveyed, but misunderstandings are frequent.) No stress or intonation used. Inappropriate ending sounds. Very difficult to understand, and some words may be confused with other words due to mispronunciation.
1.5 Long pauses dominate and only simple sentences are used (>EGC 2). Some meaning is conveyed, but very confusing. Uses only familiar words to convey personal information. Few words are used appropriately even with familiar topics. Meaning is confusing due to errors in word choice. Frequent errors even in simple forms. Sentence structure is often missing preposition.  Confusion or misunderstanding is frequent due to errors. Mispronunciation is very frequent and very difficult to understand. Word are often confused and misunderstood by the listener.
1 Hesitates with long pauses between each word. Conversation flow is not possible. Uses isolated words with little meaning or connection to the topic. Errors are predominant, except in memorized expressions. Words are strung with no structure. Mostly unintelligible because of mispronunciation, even to a sympathetic listener.
0.5 Speech is not ratable. Utters 1 or 2 words at a time with no coherence. No communication possible. No ratable grammar. No ratable speech because of unintelligibility.
0 Does not attend   




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